For companies considering hiring foreigners
We provide support from preparation before hiring foreigners to settlement after hiring.
For companies that have already hired foreigners
We conduct employee engagement surveys and interviews with foreign employees.
We will analyze the situation and propose improvement plans and plans to promote further activities.
When implementing the plan, we will accompany your company and provide support according to the situation.
Flow until consulting introduction
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After receiving your application, the person in charge/consultant
will contact you to discuss your requirements.
![事業内容【雇用・コンサル】 事業内容【雇用・コンサル】](
After conducting an interview, a consultant will actually
visit the customer’s site and ask about specific improvement requests in detail.
On-site diagnosis and problem confirmation are performed.
![事業内容【雇用・コンサル】 事業内容【雇用・コンサル】](
The consultant will submit a proposal (contents and schedule of support) and
an estimate, and provide an explanation.
![事業内容【雇用・コンサル】 事業内容【雇用・コンサル】](
After exchanging opinions regarding the proposal, we will make adjustments, and
after obtaining your agreement, we will conclude a contract.